1.3k words
[NISACTF2022]ezpie checksec Arch: i386-32-little RELRO: Partial RELRO Stack: No canary found NX: NX enabled PIE: PIE enabled OHHH!,give you a gift! 0x56573770 Input: main int __cdecl main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp) { setbuf(stdin, 0); setbuf(stdout, 0); puts("OHHH!,give you a gift!"); printf("%p\n", main); puts("Input:"); vuln(); return 0; } vuln ssize_t vuln() { char buf; /&#...
2.5k words
先贴下exp,wp晚点来补 完整exp # Arch: amd64-64-little # RELRO: Full RELRO # Stack: Canary found # NX: NX enabled # PIE: PIE enabled from pwn import * from ctypes import * # from LibcSearcher import * import sys context(os = 'linux' , arch = 'amd64') context.terminal = ["tmux", "splitw", "-h"] local = 1 if local == 0: io = remote('',28788) else: io = process("/mnt/c/Users/M1sceden4/Desktop/pwn/babygame_虎符CTF_2022") libc_rand = cdll.LoadLibrary...
3k words
堆 今天整理了一下Heap部分的一些笔记,小汇总一下 在程序运行过程中,堆可以提供动态分配的内存,允许程序申请大小未知的内存。堆是程序虚拟空间地址的一块连续的线性区域,由低地址向高地址上增长 堆题漏洞一般在delete()函数上,多半是指针未清空导致成为野指针,从而可以进行UAF等 实现堆利用的方法 ptmalloc2 - glibc dlmalloc - General purpose allocator jemalloc - Firefox and FreeBSD tcmalloc - Google libumem - Solaris ps:与系统交互的函数主要是(s)brk函数以及mmap,munmap函数,不是malloc或者free malloc malloc(size_t n) malloc返回对应大小字节的内存块的指针,此外,该函数对一些异常进行了处理 n = 0 , 返回当前系统允许的堆的最小内存块 当n为负数时,由于在大多数系统上,size_t是无符号常数,所以会系统会申请很大的内存空间,但通常来说都会失败,因为系统没有那么...
2.6k words
##前置遇到了很多问题,这里做一个记录,部分步骤没有截图 I have encountered a lot of problems, here is a record, some steps have no screenshots qemu sudo apt-get install qemu qemu-<两下tab> 会弹出qemu可以模拟的所有平台(All platforms that QEMU can be simulated will pop up) ### busybox 官网:https://busybox.net/ ![](https://pic.imgdb.cn/item/626ff5bc239250f7c5fd10f5.jpg) 进入busybox目录 Enter the busybox directory ```shell make menuconfig Q : HOSTCC scripts/basic/fixdep /b...
755 words
真是人生无常,大肠包小肠 Holy,what an emotional damage Solution 1 取消勾选Enable Device Frame的选项Uncheck the Enable Device Frame option PS:针对部分机型有效 PS: Valid for some models Solution 2 调整电脑显示缩放比例,只是和网上说的操作顺序有所不同,如下 step1:调整电脑缩放比例为125% step2:打开安卓虚拟机 step3:再将电脑缩放比例调回默认 问题解决 Adjusting the display scaling of the computer is just different from the order of operations mentioned on the Internet, as follows step1: Adjust the computer zoom ratio to 125% step2: Open the Android virtual machine step3: Then...
7.4k words
System environment variable settings Step 1 Add ANDROID_HOME 系统变量(S)$\rightarrow$新建 system variable$\rightarrow$NEW 添加变量名(add variable name):ANDROID_HOME 添加变量值(add variable value):你所安装的SDK路径,常规安装则在C:\Users\(Your username)\AppData\Local\Android\SDK Normally installed inC:\Users\(Your username)\AppData\Local\Android\SDK Step 2 Add to Path ANDROID_HOME%\tools;%ANDROID_HOME%\platform-tools 确认之后cmd输入abd和android查看环境是否配置成功 After confirmation, enter abd and android in cmd to check whether ...
1.1k words
朋友估计是装Android Studio把环境变量搞没了,找了个重写环境变量的shell脚本,这里记录一下,万一哪天自己手滑 I guessed that my friend installed Android Studio to get rid of the environment variables. I found a shell script that rewrites the environment variables. Record it here, In case I slip by myself someday 脚本 @echo off REM 声明采用UTF-8编码 chcp 65001&cls REM 备份当前环境变量 echo 当前环境变量: echo %Path% echo 永久设置Hadoop、scala、Java、 go、spark、zookeeper环境变量 SETX /M GO_ROOT "C:\Go" SETX /M JAVA_HOME "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_191" SETX /M H...